Saturday, June 30, 2007

She's Returned!!! (elle est retournée)

After our favorite daughter Jyssika went off to the country of the french, she has finally returned to us with over 800 digital pics! After much request, here are a few to start you all off. I will post more soon.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Off to France

A few shots of Jyssika at the airport, leaving for France. Very excited!

Boarding pass

Jyss and Dear-old-dad

Jyss and one of her roommates

Jyss and Mom

Off to the check-in counter

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Master & Mistress of the Devonwood Castle

Tamarack Christmas Party 2005

Tamarack Christmas Party 2006

20th Anniversary, October 11, 2006

Montreal Weekend Anniversary Getaway 2006

Another Tamarack Office Party 2005

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It's about time!

After 44 years of being relatively inactive (you know part of the initial reason) and after seeing my wife become very physically fit over the past 5 years or so ... the urge suddenly hit me last fall.

The urge that I am not immortal and approaching 45, and I would like to live as long as possible. So, last fall I joined the gym. At first, I went a couple times a week and did not change my eating habits. Then, after about a month or so of mild working out, I got really bitten by the fitness bug. I proceeded to become a different person. Making some fairly serious changes to my diet ... changes for life.

I now work out 6 times a week (3 days of cardio and 3 days of weights) and eat well at least 80% of the time. And it feels great. In fact I feel better both physically and mentally than I ever have in my whole life time!

Before starting this transformation last fall (October 2006), I weighed 169 pounds and was busting out of size 34 pants. As of the writing of this blog (February 28th, 2007), I now weigh 147 pounds, am fitting comfortably into size 30 pants and am more muscular than I ever have been! Check it out below, congratulatory gifts accepted!


Now ... not sucking in!

Monday, February 26, 2007

A Favorite Pic of Darlene

This is a picture taken Christmas of 2006 that Darlene really likes.

Semi-formal 2007

Mom and daughter just before going to the semi-formal dance of 2006-2007 (Jyss that is).

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Booty Trip

Many of you already know the story of the Oakley prize, but a brief synopsis for those who don't.

When Darlene and I were in fine city of Montreal celebrating our anniversary last October, we ended up in the Oakley store looking for a little something for Jyssika (Oakley makes high end extreme sports, clothing, glasses, etc.). While in the store, Darlene noticed a contest for a guitar and accessories and asked me to fill out a ballot but I refused, thinking I would just get junk mail. She then proceeded to fill out said ballot.

Jump forward to January 2007. A call is left on our answering machine from a french accented girl saying we had won a backstage pass. I, of course immediately erased the message thinking it was a telephone solicitation for a time share or something (didn't say anything about it). Three or four days later, another message is left on the machine from the same girl (same french accent) but this time uses Darlene's name asking her to call. This time I play it for Darlene and still think it's a time share scam but of course Darlene calls anyway.

Well, needless to say, she won the grand prize worth a whopping $5000! These are a few pics of us in Montreal picking up the prize a few weeks ago. Jyssika was very excited and I will post some pics of the prizes with descriptions tomorrow.

Jyssika with the Hagstrom Guitar

Darlene posing with the Oakley guy

Darlene and Jyssika looking at the CD's and DVD's

Oakley watch that I ended up with!

It's hard to believe that Darlene won even with my idiotic moves time after time. Please feel free to comment with congratulations or jealousies!


The Booty

Check out all these fantastic prizes!

Darlene with the prizes at home

150 watt Marshall tube amp with big ass speaker

Hagstrom guitar, case and Oakley backpack

Oakley Sunglasses, CD's, IPOD case, Oakley stocking hat, Oakley watch, Pioneer Inno XM satellite radio and Oakley MP3 sunglasses

Oakley extreme sports DVD's

Foot switch for amp

Well, that's about $5000 worth of booty that we have all enjoyed. Jyssika more than anyone I would say.